
Showing posts from August, 2024

New discoveries about how mosquitoes mate may help the fight against malaria

  New discoveries about how mosquitoes mate may help the fight against malaria A high-pitched buzzing sound in your ear is an unmistakable sign that a female mosquito is out on the hunt—for they, not males, drink blood. Hearing that tone might make you turn to try to swat the pest. But for a male mosquito, that tone means it's time to mate. An international team led by researchers at the University of Washington has uncovered surprising details about mosquito mating , which could lead to improved malaria control techniques and even help develop precision drone flight. In a paper published Aug. 30 in the journal Current Biology , the team revealed that when a male Anopheles coluzzii mosquito hears the sound of female-specific wingbeats, his vision becomes active. Many mosquito species have relatively poor vision, and Anopheles coluzzii—a major spreader of malaria in Africa—is no exception. But the team found that when a male hears the telltale buzz of female flight, his eyes "...

Wearable assistive device called ‘Blind Eye’ invented by Adilabad techie wins international award

  Wearable assistive device called ‘Blind Eye’ invented by Adilabad techie wins international award Blind Eye, a revolutionary wearable assistive device invented by Tagire Ravi Kiran, an engineering student from the town and the founder of Allien Innovations, was exhibited at Global Incubation Week, held by UNICEF at Istanbul in Turkey from August 24 to 30. The device is meant for visually challenged persons. The son of a TGSRTC Adilabad depot clerk, Ravi was the first and only innovator from India to get an invitation by UNICEF to display his invention in the Global Incubation Week for winning the imaGen Venture award. He was one of the 10 innovators chosen from across the world to showcase thought-provoking yet useful solutions in the event. Kiran is going to receive a cash prize of Rs 8.5 lakh under imaGen Ventures award and will also be allowed to trial his device in 10 countries. Imagen Ventures award is constituted by Generation Unlimited, a leading global Public-Private-Y...

"Quantum Dots for Pb Detection" #sciencefather#QuantumDots #LeadDetectio...


"Boost Wafer Defect Classification" #sciencefather #ArtificialIntelligen...


What is a Patent ? Quick Guide! #sciencefather #technology#PatentProce...


"Neutralizing AKAV: Key Antibodies Found"#sciencefather#PharmaceuticalRe...


"Airborne eDNA: Revolutionizing Agriculture" #sciencefather #technology ...


"Mini Mass Spectrometer Breakthrough" #sciencefather#inventionsawards#Mi...


"Laser-Crafted Bioelectronics Magic" #sciencefather#iBioelectronics#Scie...


Revealing Data Leaks in CSI #sciencefather#DataAnalyst#DataScienceAward ...


Revolutionary Bio-Implant Technology Explained #sciencefather#DrugDelive...


"Breakthrough in Sensor Tech: Miniaturized FSS" #sciencefather #inventio...


"Retrofitting Offices for Energy Efficiency"#sciencefather #inventionsaw...


"Streamline Microservices with Our Simulator" #sciencefather #invention...


VTOL Aircraft Innovation Insights #sciencefather #inventionsawards#Futu...


Stray Dog Energy Hacks #sciencefather #EnergyOptimization #MicrogridMana...


Broadband Metasurface Tech #sciencefather #innovators #researchers #Met...
